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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

_Buyer's Guide: Alerting Devices

ILC Reference NO 61:60:001
Item sourced from ILC SA database

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Short Description
The availability of electronic components for alerting devices has resulted in a range of companies being able to offer a variety of systems at affordable prices.

Price Guide
Refer to supplier information for pricing details.

Non-Monitored/Telephone Based Alarms offer a relatively inexpensive option to those individuals who may be non-English speaking, have language/communication problems, or who may not want either a microphone/speaker unit or the more complex and
expensive monitored system installed in their home. They consist of a radio transmitter (pendant) worn around the neck or attached to clothes and an autodialler connected in parallel with the existing telephone plug. When activated a pre-recorded message is transmitted to programmed telephone numbers.

Non-Telephone Based Alarms are also available to cater for specific needs such as bed-bound or disabled people in a home environment who need to be able to alert a carer who may be at some distance, such as on a large property or farm. These systems may be person-to-person; neighbour-to-neighbour or house-to-flat, and can incorporate a sensitive touch plate switch, a pendant, a push-button or other appropriate switching device. A radio transmitter then relays the call to an alarm unit, which may be a vibrating or audible alert, or a flashing light.

Alternative switching devices with an appropriate interface unit can also be installed in situations where an alarm system already exists, such as in hostel units. This overcomes the problem of the resident being unable to activate the standard unit either because of the type of switch used, or the location of the unit e.g. out of reach on the wall.

Alerting Devices for the Hearing Impaired include modified smoke detectors, baby cry monitors, alarm clocks, telephone ring indicators and doorbell adaptations. These may feature an audible or vibrating alert, flashing lights or strobe lights.

"Wandering" or Occupancy Alarms are designed to alert carers to wandering behaviour and may reduce the need for physical restraint in some cases. These systems incorporate a pressure mat device, which may be designed to activate the alarm if pressure is either removed from, or applied to, the mat. In the former situation, the mat may be placed in a chair or bed, and the alarm will be activated if the person leaves the chair or bed. In the latter situation, the mat is put next to a bed or in a doorway and the alarm is activated if the person places pressure on the mat, e.g. walking across it.

Customising of systems to meet specific needs is also possible. The I.L.C. can put clients in touch with resource people able to provide solutions to more unusual problems.

For some types of equipment, specific Australian Standards are applicable to the materials used in, and the manufacturing processes applied to products. Compliance with relevant Standards is indicated by written certification that a product has been tested and assessed as compliant with specified Australian Standards. Purchasers are advised to check with the supplier or manufacturer of an item as to its compliance with the relevant Australian Standard(s).

Supplier Information - click to supplier for contacts details

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