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Back to Item : Safe-n-Sound Maxi Rider Child Car Restraint

ILC Reference NO 51:51:005
Item sourced from ILC SA database
Name:  RAA Child Safety Centre
Price:  From $332.00
Date:  29/01/2009
Details:  Ring RAA Child Safety Centre to make an appointment.

Maxi Rider:
Cost for non-members is $359.00 including installation.
Cost for members is $332.00 including installation.

Maxi Rider AHR (need to order this model):
Cost for non-members is $459.00 including installation.
Cost for members is $413.00 including installation.

Cup holder, armrests, pockets and shoulder pads are included in the cost of the Maxi Rider and Maxi Rider AHR.

Protecta harness:
Cost for non-members $64.95 including installation.
Cost for members $58.45 including installation.
Available in 4 colours but some colours may need to be ordered in.

  101 Richmond Rd
  Mile End
  SA  5031

Postal Address:
  101 Richmond Rd
  Mile End
  SA  5031

Phone:   (08) 8202 4592
FAX:  (08) 8202 4637