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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

2WP Powerkut Ratchet Secateurs

ILC Reference NO 71:18:006
Item sourced from ILC WA database

Powerkut ratchet secateurs

Short Description
A range of heavy duty ratchet secateurs designed to reduce the force required to cut when pruning. Two models are available, both made of metal.

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing

More Details
The ratchet mechanism assists in cutting an object by allowing a series of cuts to be made rather than a single cutting action that requires a powerful handgrip. Two hands may be required to activate the safety lock.

- Cushioned non-slip handle
- 4 stage heavy-duty ratchet mechanism
- Bush for long life
- Hardened steel blade with Teflon coating
- Screws and bolts for easy exchange of parts or sharpening
- Protective hand guard

Method Of Operation
Powerkut secateurs make pruning, cutting and grafting easier. The built-in ratchet system reduces the operating power by 3 times making it easier for people having a poor hand grip to do their gardening.

Use Powerkut always with the black blade up. Feed branch or stem to be cut into the jaws as far as possible. Apply pressure to bottom handle until you come to a definite stop. Then release the pressure on the handle slightly until you hear a click, apply pressure again and repeat as before two or three times.

Remember that the thickness limit of branches is 25mm. If the branch or stem does not fit into the jaws, push the jaws(blade up) onto the branch and push the secateurs away from you a quarter of a turn. This will force the jaws into the branch and make cutting easier.

Secateurs have a built-in ratchet system which makes them extremely easy to use. They are not designed to be forced. As you squeeze the handle, you will feel a definite stop. Do not force them beyond this point. You may hurt your hand or damage the secateurs. Simply release the pressure on the handle slowly until you hear a click, then squeeze the handle again. Continue this squeeze and release action until you are completely through the branch.

Do not twist the blade by forcing the handle from side to side, otherwise you may damage the sharp blade edge. If the blade seems not to have cut right through the branch, it means that you need to continue the squeeze and release action. For maximum ease of cutting, the branch needs to be deep into the jaws of the secateurs as possible. Do not attempt to cut branches that will not fit at least half way into the jaws.

Guaranteed against manufacturer's fault for two year.

Clean secateurs with water and detergent after each pruning job and oil all moving parts with light oil (sewing machine oil or similar). Don't use abrasive cleaners to clean Teflon coated blade. Don't cut any metal (florist wire is O.K.). Sharpen the blade once secateurs become hard to use. This will ensure clean cuts.

Place Of Manufacture

Display Item On Loan From
Smith, FK (Powerkut MKIII ratchet metal secateurs displayed at Independent Living Centre of WA - Nedlands)

Beverley Maclou Ratchet Secateurs and Loppers (Powerkut MKIII Secateurs displayed in the Independent Living Centre of WA - Mobile Unit)

Display Information
ILCWA may have this item on display. If you want to view or trial this product, please contact ILCWA on 08-9381 0600 to ensure that it is still on display prior to your visit.

Supplier Information - click to supplier for contacts details

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