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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

The Bowling Arm

ILC Reference NO 71:41:002
Item sourced from ILC SA database

The Bowling Arm

Short Description
A long handled device to assist people who are experiencing difficulty bending or grasping bowls. It picks up and delivers the bowl or kitty.

Price Guide
Refer to supplier information for pricing details.

More Details
The bowling arm is constructed from a lightweight marine grade alloy with a polyester coating.

It is activated through a spring loaded device which is available in either a palm or thumb release.

The area for grasping the bowl is curve shaped and has rubber sections to assist in the grip of the bowls.

Standard model is 650mm(26") long. Also available in a wheelchair model which is 375mm (15") long.

The bowling arm is approved for all levels of competition by the Australian Bowling council.

Method Of Use
Picking up the bowl:
1. To arrange the bowl in the arm with the correct bias and alignment, place the bowl between the user's feet in the required position.
2. Hold the arm at a forward leaning angle and the jaws will fit over the bowl.
3. With your thumb around the handgrip (not the top) lightly clench your fingers until the bowl can be picked up.

The swing:
1. When swinging the arm, it is not necessary to force the delivery.
2. By lifting the arm up in front of the user's body, the target area can be lined up and the weight of the bowl will naturally allow the user's arm to go into the backswing prior to deliver.
3. The height of the backswing will depend on the distance required.

The delivery:
1. Line up as for a normal delivery.
2. Be sure to take plenty of backswing without too much wrist, as the user should swing from the shoulder.
3. As the arm swings forward, the user should unclench their fingers slightly to release the bowl at the bottom of the swing near the heel of the user's foot.
4. Several practice swings should resolve any early or late release issues.

Other suggestions:
1. Hold the arm in a loose clasp, and do not clench the fingers tightly.
2. A fixed stance can be used. Some users may prefer to take a short step, although this brings the arm closer to the green and must be allowed for.

Cleaning Requirements
Clean with a soft cloth and warm soapy water. Marks can also be removed with car polish if required.

For some types of equipment, specific Australian Standards are applicable to the materials used in, and the manufacturing processes applied to products. Compliance with relevant Standards is indicated by written certification that a product has been tested and assessed as compliant with specified Australian Standards. Purchasers are advised to check with the supplier or manufacturer of an item as to its compliance with the relevant Australian Standard(s).

Place Of Manufacture
Victoria, Australia

Display Information
This item is currently on display at the ILC

Supplier Information - click to supplier for contacts details

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