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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

Attainment Voice Cue

ILC Reference NO 62:29:001
Item sourced from ILC SA database

Voice Cue

Short Description
A portable device that can record up to five unique messages or verbal sounds that can be played back as an alarm at pre-set times throughout the day. Supplied with a belt clip.

More Details
Five messages can be recorded and each set to play at two different times a day. Each can be repeated on the same day every week (e.g every Tuesday), five days a week (e.g. Monday to Friday), or all seven days of the week. Messages can also be played at any time by pressing a numbered button on the front of the device. The small buttons need to be pressed with a pointed object such as a pen or pencil. A replay button plays back a message if pressed within 1 minute after it has played if the user couldn't hear the message clearly the first time.

Recording time
12 seconds recording time per message.

A digital clock can be displayed in 12 hour or 24 hour style.

Can be set to three levels; high, low and off.

Is supplied by two AAA batteries.

Factors To Consider
May assist users who need prompts to remember appointments, taking medication, remember breaks etc.
Message buttons are small and may be difficult for a user with limited fine motor control to activate (if required).
The process of programming messages and times could be complicated for some people. Therefore some users might require assistance with setup.

Overall length...............110mm
Overall width................65mm
Overall depth................15mm

Place Of Manufacture

Some assistive technology needs to meet Australian or other standards. Standards may relate to materials, manufacturing and installation. Products that meet Australian or international standards will have written certification. To find out if a product meets Australian Standards ask the supplier to show you the certificate. For a fact sheet about standards contact us or visit

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing.

Supplier Information - click to supplier for contacts details

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