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Item Details

Disability Parking Permit Scheme

ILC Reference NO 51:82:001
Item sourced from ILC QLD database

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Short Description
The objective of the Disability Parking Scheme is to improve the quality of life and opportunities for those people with a severe mobility impairment. There are two types of parking permit available in Queensland (blue and red) which are issued according to person's level of mobility impairment and whether disability is permanent or temporary.

Price Guide
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More Details
ELIGIBILITY: Eligibility assessments can be made by occupational therapists and medical practitioners via an application form.
1. To be eligible for a blue permit you must:
- be unable to walk and totally dependent on a wheelchair; or
- need to use a wide parking bay because of total dependence on large complex mobility devices such as walking frames. These devices do not include splints, crutches and walking sticks; or
- be a carer providing transport for three or more people with a disability. In this instance the permit will be issued to the person with the disability.
* A five year permit will be issued to people with a permanent mobility impairment.
* A one year permit will be issued to people with a severe temporary mobility impairment or those with a disability requiring a carer to provide three or more of them with transport.
* Note: Temporary mobility impairment is defined as being for a period of at least a year.

2. To be eligible for a red permit you must :
- have severe mobility impairment; and
- be unable to safely use public transport; and
- have difficulty in walking safely between normal parking facilities and a destination.
* A five year permit will be issued to people with a permanent mobility impairment.
* A one year permit will be issued to people with a temporary mobility impairment.
Note: Temporary mobility impairment is defined as being for a period of at least one year.

GUIDELINES: Blue permit entitlements include free parking in metered or regulated parking areas; and the use of disability parking bays in on and off street places, including shopping centres and hospitals.

A red permit entitles a person to use disability parking bays in off street places, including shopping centres and hospitals.

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