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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

Maxi Taxis - Wheelchair Accessible Taxis

ILC Reference NO 51:80:002
Item sourced from ILC QLD database

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Short Description
Wheelchair accessible taxis (often called Maxi Taxis) will transport manual or powered wheelchairs, scooters and floatation style anti-pressure chairs. The client can remain in the mobility device (wheelchair or powered wheelchair) or transfer onto the taxi seat (clients using scooters MUST transfer onto the taxi seat). Available throughout Queensland. For information on the availability of wheelchair accessible taxis call the local taxi company in the region or town in which it is required.

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing.

More Details
Manual and Powered Wheelchairs - wheelchair accessible taxis can transport manual and powered wheelchairs and the person can stay in the wheelchair (or transfer out of the wheelchair onto a regular taxi seat). The manual or powered wheelchair must then be anchored down with tie down straps and the client must use the taxi lap sash seatbelt.

Scooters - wheelchair accessible taxis can transport scooters (they do not refuse to do this) but the person has to transfer out of the scooter onto a regular taxi seat and use the taxi lap sash seatbelt as the scooter is not safe for the client to be transported in. The scooter must then be anchored down with tie down straps. If the client does not want to transfer out of the scooter then the driver may refuse to take the client.

Floatation style chairs - wheelchair accessible taxis can transport floatation style chairs and the person can stay in the chair (or transfer out of the wheelchair onto a regular taxi seat). The floatation style chair must then be anchored down with tie down straps and the client must use the taxi lap sash seatbelt.

POINTS TO CONSIDER: The space allowed on public transport for carrying mobility equipment is an area of 800mm x 1300mm.
If you have a long or wide scooter or wheelchair it may be advisable to mention the length and width when ordering the taxi as it may not fit on the wheelchair loader or inside the vehicle.

Supplier Information - click to supplier for contacts details

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