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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

Malu Positioning Triangle

ILC Reference NO 41:45:024
Item sourced from ILC QLD database

Positioning Triangle and Chest Harness in use

Short Description
A positioning device which helps maintain an upright sitting position in a chair or wheelchair. If used in combination with a standard transport seatbelt, the positioning triangle can also be used to maintain posture when sitting in a car, bus, train or aeroplane. The Triangle consists of a triangular pelvic device (with two groin straps) and a separate chest strap. Two models are available - a standard pelvic triangle and a pelvic triangle with a lumbar support. Available in three children sizes and three adult sizes.

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing.

More Details
METHOD OF USE: Place the triangular pelvic device on the seat. The base of the triangle should be positioned at the very rear of the seat. There are two sets of chair ties attached to each end of the base of the triangle. One set accommodates smaller chairs and the second longer set of straps are suitable for larger chairs. Secure the pelvic device to the chair by joining the straps behind the chair using the velcro provided.

The chest strap should be secured to the backrest of the chair by using the straps provided. Join the straps behind the chair using the velcro provided.

The user sits on top of the triangular pelvic device. Each of the two groin straps is brought upwards on the inside of the leg and inserted through the D ring attached to the base of the triangle. The groin strap then doubles back over itself and secures using velcro. The two ends of the chest strap are closed around the user`s chest at the appropriate height and are secured to each other using velcro.

Some styles of plastic moulded chairs may need slits cut into the backrest to accommodate the securing straps for the chest strap and pelvic device.

POINTS TO CONSIDER: 1. When used in transport, the Positioning Triangle must be used in combination with the existing seatbelts.

2. Can be used to assist positioning in a child car seat.

3. A doctor`s letter is required when using this device. The letter needs to state that the user is exempt on medical grounds from using a standard seatbelt. The letter must accompany the user at all times as it applies to all travel in a vehicle.

4. Because the Triangle is considered a positioning device and not a restraint, the Malu Positioning Triangle is able to be used in nursing homes.

Place Of Manufacture
New South Wales, Australia

Display Item On Loan From
Malu Terren - Hall

Display Information
LifeTec may have this item on display. If you want to view or trial this product, please contact LifeTec on 07-3552 9000 to ensure that it is still on display prior to your visit.

Supplier Information - click to supplier for contacts details

Additional /images
Positioning Triangle and Chest Harness   Triangle mounted on wheelchair   Triangle mounted on child car seat  
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