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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

Non-Adjustable Buyers Guide - Beds

ILC Reference NO 21:11:001
Item sourced from ILC NSW database

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Short Description
There are many different types of fixed height bed bases and
mattresses available on the retail market. These include: . Ensembles with an upholstered base and mattress.
. A separate base and mattress. The base can be made from wooden slats, wire, board etc. Mattresses can be foam, rubber, cotton (futon) or innerspring with various spring / padding combinations.

Price Guide
Approx Price: $0.00
Price Date: 14/03/2008

More Details
Points to consider when choosing a fixed height bed:
. The base should be firm in order to provide sufficient support to the
mattress. If an existing base is too soft it can be made firmer by using wooden slats (which also allow air circulation) or a wooden bed board on top of it.
. The mattress should maintain the spine in its natural position. It should be hard enough to support the spine but soft enough to cushion the body.
When lying on your side your spine should be straight and when lying on your back your spine should maintain its natural contours.
. You should be on a mattress for at least 20 minutes before buying it. If the bed is for 2 people they both should try it. One way to find a mattress that supports your spine is to be on your back and slide your hand into the small of your back. If this is easy, the mattress is too hard and if this is very difficult, the mattress is too soft.
. There should be a space of at least 15 centimetres around your body.
. Is it a comfortable height for getting in and out of bed easily?
. Is the bed the correct height for transferring to and from a wheelchair if you use one?
. Is the bed high enough to reduce bending when making it?
. Is the bed a comfortable height for a carer?
. If the edges of the bed are too soft the sleeping area will be reduced.
. Soft edges may make getting out of bed difficult as they do not provide support to push down on.
. The length of the guarantee may be an indicator of the quality.
. Some manufacturers will make customised beds which provide features such as extra length, a softer centre and/or firmer sides and different bed heights.
. Bed blocks may be used to raise the bed height.
. Mattress overlays - there is a range of overlays available to provide extra comfort and pressure relief.
. Bed rails.
. Self lifting poles.

Some assistive technology needs to meet Australian or other standards. Standards may relate to materials, manufacturing and installation. Products that meet Australian or international standards will have written certification. To find out if a product meets Australian Standards ask the supplier to show you the certificate. For a fact sheet about standards contact us or visit

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