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Item Details

Agrability Australia

ILC Reference NO 91:07:008
Item sourced from ILC ACT database

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Short Description
AgrABILITY Australia is a self help network of farmers and farmworkers with disabilities. Based on a similar concept in America, AgrABILITY
commenced in Australia in 1996.

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More Details
. To make farming easier for people who have had an injury or have a chronic disability, as well as for the people who care for them.
. Provide injured and disabled farmers with assistive technology, which will enable them to modify their machinery and work environments.
. To establish a support network for farmers and their carers and open an avenue for them to communicate with various professionals and technicians, that they may otherwise have difficulty accessing.
. To provide an avenue for farmers and farm workers to get in touch with other farmers through education and promotion.

. "AgrABILITY Australia" members are people who are willing to share their experiences and knowledge and become involved with helping other farmers with disabilities to overcome hurdles.
. Membership involves filling out an application form describing briefly the disability and what modifications have been made to the work environment.
. A directory of members has been put together; it contains the contact
details of each of the members with a disability. This directory is sent to those in the network. The aim of the directory is for members to be able to contact others who they feel will be able to help them in some way.
. To receive an application form, telephone or write to the Australian
Agricultural Health Unit.

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