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Item Details

A Buyers Guide - Speech Recognition Computer Access

ILC Reference NO 62:42:600
Item sourced from ILC ACT database

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Short Description
Speech or voice recognition computer access is when a person is able to"talk" to their computer. Voice recognition software provides an alternative to a keyboard and enables a user to enter whole words, commands, and individual keystrokes into an application by voice. Applications and menus can also be opened and closed by voice alone, resulting in hands free control of a computer. This can be an important feature for clients with disabilities.

Price Guide
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More Details
Voice recognition software runs "transparent" to other applications, meaning that it can be used instead of a standard keyboard and mouse with virtually any software program.

Voice recognition software adapts to the voice patterns of the user over time. An initial training period is often required, where the user speaks approximately 400 words, repeating each word three times. This process enables the software to differentiate between similar sounding words like "hurt" and "heard". Additional words and voice commands can be created, for example, a macro for signing off a letter or for an address.

Voice recognition software is available for both IBM compatibles and Macintosh operating systems. There are significant advantages to using speech recognition to access a computer. However, there are also limitations to consider. These include:

(i) Clients with visual impairments can enter text but even with screen
readers will have limited access to correction facilities.
(ii) In noisy environments, particularly those with variable sounds, voice recognition software may not adjust sufficiently to the background noise.
(iii) Voice recognition software runs most efficiently with desktop
computers. At present, an extremely expensive notebook computer would be required to run a voice recognition program. Depending upon the brand and model of notebook used, interference from the power supply can be an issue.
(iv) Voice recognition software cannot interpret dysfluencies, jumbled words or breaks in pitch.
(v) A reasonably high level of literacy is required to monitor and correct the system.
(vi) A large number of commands may have to be learned and remembered.
(vii) Voice fatigue may occur when typing by voice for long periods of time, particularly if the user raises their voice when frustrated by
inaccurate recognition.
(viii) A conversation cannot be carried on whilst using Voice Recognition Software.

In some situations it may be advisable to consult an expert in the area of technology for people with disabilities. The Computer Assistive Technology Services (CATS) is a division of The Northcott Society and located in North Parramatta. They also travel extensively throughout NSW. The Assistive Technology Service of The Spastic Centre of NSW is located in Allambie Heights.

This information has been prepared by the COMPUTER ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY SERVICE (Div. of Northcott Society).

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