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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

FAS Multi-Adjustable Kinder Chairs

ILC Reference NO 41:28:052
Item sourced from ILC ACT database

FAS Multi-adjustable Kinder Chairs

Short Description
FAS Kinder Chairs are manufactured with a timber frame and have a firm vinyl padded seat and backrest. The chairs are multi-adjustable including height, seat depth, footrest height, backrest angle and tray position. The standard Kinder Chair (SKC1) comes with a large removable timber tray, abduction block and pelvic strap.

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing.

More Details
The SKC1 and SKC2 Kinder Chairs provide a supportive and adjustable seating system for young children, particularly those who require a firm base of support in order to maximise hand skills. A detailed description of the chairs is provided below; the SKC2 varies only in terms of overall height (is a higher chair) and comes without a tray. The range of adjustments enables chair to be used by children 1-7 years or up to 122 mm tall.

Materials: Timber frame with vinyl padded seat and backrest.

Seat: Seat depth can be adjusted by turning a lever screw which is positioned under the seat at the rear of the chair. Once lever is fully unscrewed, the seat depth can be adjusted by sliding the backrest in or out. Lever screw should then be re-tightened to secure desired seat depth.

Backrest: Backrest angle can be adjusted from 10 degrees off vertical by releasing knobs at rear of backrest: Once fully unscrewed the backrest angle can then be set at desired recline. Rescrew knobs to hold angle.

Tray: Tray depth can be adjusted to any of 8 positions, with a 25 mm increment between each position. To adjust or remove tray, pull large C-shaped sprung levers away from the chair and slide tray to desired position. Release levers to secure tray in position. To remove tray, release sprung levers and slide tray off armrests.

Height adjustment: There are 10 leg height adjustment positions, with a 25 mm increment between each position. To adjust leg height position, unscrew large knobs (2 per leg) behind each leg; once unscrewed, slide leg to desired height and secure in place by re-tightening large knobs.

Abduction block: The abduction block (pommel) is set at a fixed position and cannot be adjusted. It is padded with foam and upholstered in vinyl.

Footrest: The footrest measures 280 mm wide x 20 mm deep; the rear heel guard measures 65 mm high x 250 mm long. There are 6 height adjustment positions, with a 25 mm increment between each position. To adjust footrest height, unscrew large knobs at rear of footrest until footrest can be moved up or down to desired height. Once desired height obtained, you will need to re-position knobs and screw them back into place. The base of the footrest has a series of pre-drilled holes into which foot-straps can be positioned if required.

Castor base available for both chairs: If ordering the SKC1chair, quote model SKC1B if you require a castor base.
Tray comes as standard feature of the SKC1/SKC1B; if you require a tray with the SKC2 chair, quote SKC2B if you require a castor base.
Tray comes as standard feature of the SKC1/SKC1B; if you require a tray with the SKC2 or SKC2B; quote accessory SKC2T.
Pelvic strap comes as standard feature with both chairs.

Kinder chair with tray SK1
Kinder high-chair and tray SK2T

Overall Width (mm)      525
Overall Length (mm)     630
Overall Height (mm)     375 - 560
Seat Width (mm)         280
Seat Depth (mm)         180 - 305
Backrest Height (mm)    330
Armrest Height (mm)     150
Armrest to floor (mm)   375 - 560
Diameter-Castors (mm)   150

Overall Width (mm)      525
Overall Length (mm)     630
Overall Height (mm)     660 - 725
Seat Width (mm)         280
Seat Depth (mm)         180 - 305
Backrest Height (mm)    330
Armrest Height (mm)     150
Armrest to floor (mm)   660 -725
Diameter-Castors (mm)   150

Reclining back angle 10 degrees.
Foot rest adjustment (mm) - 80 - 265

Place Of Manufacture

Factors To Consider
Adjustments may be difficult for some people as it is necessary to either stoop over the chair or sit on the floor to release screws.

Supplier Information - click to supplier for contacts details

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