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Whilst all care is taken to provide accurate information with respect to the item described, the Independent Living Centre (ILC) is not involved in product design or manufacture, and therefore not in a position to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided. Selection of equipment, which is both suitable and appropriate for individual needs remains the responsibility of the person(s) considering requisition, and no responsibility is taken by the ILC for any loss or injury caused through use of the equipment or alleged to have arisen through reliance upon information provided. As information is subject to change any enquiries should be directed to the manufacturer.

Item Details

Bambach Saddle Seat

ILC Reference NO 41:23:007
Item sourced from ILC ACT database


Item on Display
Bambach Saddle Seat with Standard Stem, no Backrest.

Short Description
Padded, contoured saddle seat on five star castor base. Seat height and tilt adjustment. Back rest option is height and angle adjustable. The hips are in a more abducted and stable position than on a standard office chair. This should encourage the person to sit more upright and maintain a natural lumbar curve.Vinyl or wool upholstery. Available in 4 heights. The seat depth is shortened on the seat for children.

A 4 minute video and a 5 minute CD are available in ILCACT video library.

1. Sit on the Saddle seat for only 15 - 20 minutes the first day.
2. On second day, sit for 15 - 20 minutes a few times throughout the day.
3. Days 3 to 5, repeat the 15 - 20 minutes sitting time.
4. When you feel at ease, increase the time. Remember to take breaks.

Next week, increase the time and repeat steps 1. to 3. as the week progresses.

If any discomfort or pressure is felt, in new areas of the body, take a few days break, then return to step 1.

More Details
. Chair designed to place and maintain the body's centre of gravity above the pelvis (over the ischial tuberosities).
. The hips are flexed at 35 degrees to 40 degrees and supported in abduction. This allows the body to flex forward at the hips rather than back.
. Front right lever control mechanism for gas height adjustment.
. Rear right lever adjustment of back and seat tilt.
. Turn lever at back to adjust back height
. High density padding upholstered in pure new wool or easy-clean vinyl.
. Executive model designed for men and heavier and or taller people.

Guidelines for recommended gas stem height:
A person below 5' 2" (165cm) in height - Low stem
A person between 5' 2" and 6" (185cm) in height - Standard stem
A person 6' (185cm) or more in height - Drafting stem

Gas stems are available in 14 sizes and the above size suggestions will change depending on profession and workstation.
The saddle shaped seat may be uncomfortable to sit on for longer periods and some people prefer to alternate the use of this chair with a conventional office chair.

Method Of Use
Seat Adjustment:
1. Stand in front of the seat.
2. Pull seat between legs.
3. Sit, placing your bottom to the very back of the seat.
4. Height adjustment:
Using 1st lever on right hand side, adjust up, so the seat comes up angle of thigh to be 30 to 45 degrees;
5. Tilt adjustment:
Using lever 2 on right hand side, lift lever with right hand and at the same time push on seat front with left hand. Gradually adjust for comfort.
6. Back height adjustment for Seat with Backrest:
Lift small lever on right side, then using left hand, push the back panel up and down. Push lever down into lock position.
7. Back adjustment:
Lift lever on left side. Then using right hand, hold the back into your body. Leave approximately 2 hands thickness between yourself and the back rest.

cut down / reduced abduction seat (used on childrens chair)
foot board
standard castors
soft wheel castors
locking castors
braking castors
pull apart castors (for cleaning, sterilising)
drafting foot ring
slip covers in stretch fabric, sheepskin or lightweight cloth
foot operated height adjuster
drummers seat with fold in legs, tripod base
back rest (adjusts in height and angle)
chrome base

Seat Height    (mm)     460-550

Seat Width     (mm)     230-330
Seat Depth     (mm)     390
Seat Height    (mm)     470-590
Diameter, base (mm)      600
Load capacity  (kg)     200

Seat Width     (mm)     230-330
Seat Depth     (mm)     390
Seat Height    (mm)     560-730
Diameter, base (mm)      600
Load capacity  (kg)     200

Seat Width     (mm)     230-330
Seat Depth     (mm)     390
Seat Height    (mm)     600-860
Diameter, base (mm)     600
Load capacity  (kg)     200

Place Of Manufacture
Australian Made

Display Item On Loan From
Corporate Express

Some assistive technology needs to meet Australian or other standards. Standards may relate to materials, manufacturing and installation. Products that meet Australian or international standards will have written certification. To find out if a product meets Australian Standards ask the supplier to show you the certificate. For more information on what standards the equipment may need to meet, see http://

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing.

Display Information
ILCACT may have this item on display. If you want to view or trial this product, please contact ILCACT on 02-6205 1900 to ensure that it is still on display prior to your visit.

Supplier Information - click to supplier for contacts details

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