Independent Living Centres Australia Inc
infoline: 1300 885 886

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Clicker 5

ILC Reference NO 62:59:014
Item sourced from ILC VIC database

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Short Description

More Details
Method of use
Clicker 5 is a talking word processor supported by a Clicker Grid.
A Clicker-grid is an onscreen keyboard that can support 1-100 cells at any time.
Letters, words, phrases and/or pictures can be represented within the cells.
Cells can support MPEG video files or MP3 audio files.
Text and/or graphics within the cell can be sent into the word processor once activated.
Information within the cells can be spoken using the built-in speech software, or a digitised (recorded) speech.
The text in the grid can be read out by activating the right mouse click button.

Clicker 5 has built-in switch and mouse alternatives.
Grids can be accessed via mouse, any mouse alternative, touch screen or via a switch.
A Crick Switch interface is required to be able to access Clicker 5 using a switch.

Speech Output
Digitised or synthesised speech can be used within the grids.

Sounds can be recorded.
Clicker 5 provides Elan Sayso, UK English speech engine.
Words are highlighted as they are spoken.

Clicker Writer
The grid can be hidden so that it can be used as a fully integrated talking word processor (Clicker Writer) with pictures as well as words.
Text can be entered into Clicker Writer via the keyboard or the grid.

Grid Sets
Clicker 5 can store many grids in a single file called a Grid Set.
A grid set can store all their pictures, sounds and videos.
Grid sets can be shared and moved.
Preferences within the grid can be saved.
Within 'Edit' mode, grids in a sequence can be reordered by dragging
New cells can be added from the cell palate within the edit mode toolbar.
The entire grid scheme can be changed at the one go.

Edit Mode
Edit mode allows you to drag and resize cells on grids.
Pop-up Editing toolbox gives easy access to all your editing tools.
Cell Palettes contain cells with different shapes and actions.
Cells can be dragged onto the grid that are used to open or initiate the picture, sound and videos.
Cell Palettes contain cells with different shapes and actions
Shift-click allows editing of the cell text in Run mode
Edit mode protects grids from accidental editing in Run mode.

Pop up grids
Pop-up grids (a new feature of Clicker 5) can hold words, phrases and pictures that can be sent into any cell or text box.
Cells in popups have the same features as those in any grid, allowing all pupils to write into a talking book and select pictures for each page.
Popups also enable other new ideas, such as labelling activities.
They can be activated by clicking on an empty label and then choose the word you want from the popup.

Clicker 5 comes with its own curriculum picture library.
PCS, Compic, pictures and photos can be added to cells.

Slides shows or Talking books
Sound recordings, videos, photos, pictures and text can be used to make slide shows or talking books.

Allows instant access to alphabetically sorted personalised wordlists (dictionaries) to provide literacy support and/or extend vocabulary.

The toolbar is user friendly and can be customised.

Switching and Scanning
Clicker 5 comes with switch access.
Scanning options include choice of scanning pattern (linear scan, row/column, random etc), auditory scanning, adjustable scan speed, one or two switch scanning.
A Crick Switch Interface or IntelliSwitch is required for switch access.

Word Processing
Word processing can be achieved via a single switch, mouse click or via the keyboard. Text can be entered by letter, or whole words at a time, or a mixture of the two.

Cause and effect software
With Clicker 5, a cell can randomly link to any of a number of grids, allowing you to create simple cause and effect activities.

Talking Books
Using text boxes in Clicker 5, switch users can use and create on-screen talking books.
Any amount of text can be displayed on a page, and pages can be turned by selecting a page turning cell.
Textboxes can be scrolled up and down by cells set up with a special scroll action.
The template feature assists in creating the talking books.

You can create Clicker Grids that work on their own, without Clicker Writer, making them more like pages of digital books. This enables students to create multimedia presentations with digital photos and video.

Spell Checker
Has a talking spell checker with graphics.

There are a variety of templates which assist in creating grids. You can use standard ones or create your own.
System Requirements for Windows Version:
Networking: All of Crick Software's programs can be used on a network. To purchase for a network, simply buy the single user product, then the number of additional user licences required. The CD includes a network installation.

Compatibility (System Requirements)
Windows version
Windows Vista, XP, 2000, NT, ME
400 MB RAM hard disk space
A sound card is required if you wish to use the speech
CD ROM drive

Macintosh version
Mac OS 10.3
Power PC or Intel Processor
128 MB RAM
400MB free Hard disk space

Refer to the supplier and manufacturer manual for maintenance instructions and safety warnings.

Some assistive technology needs to meet Australian or other standards. Standards may relate to materials, manufacturing and installation. Products that meet Australian or international standards will have written certification. To find out if a product meets Australian Standards ask the supplier to show you the certificate. For a fact sheet about standards contact us or visit

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing

Supplier Information
Name:  Edsoft Pty Ltd
Price:  POA
  Unit 2
  20 Arthur St
  VIC  3095

Postal Address:
  PO Box 3118
  VIC  3095

Phone:   1300 337 638
FAX:  1300 733 821

Name:  Novitatech
Price:  POA
  Days Road
  Regency Park
  SA  5942

Postal Address:
  PO Box 2438
  Regency Park
  SA  5942

Phone:   (08) 8243 8348
FAX:  (08) 8243 8337
Toll Free:  1300 855 585

Name:  Spectronics
Price:  POA
  Unit E1 Commercial Court
  130 Kingston Road
  QLD  4119

Postal Address:
  PO Box 88
  QLD  4123

Phone:   (07) 3808 6833
FAX:  (07) 3808 6108

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