Independent Living Centres Australia Inc
infoline: 1300 885 886

The Independent Living Centres Australia Inc does not sell this equipment, but provides this information as a community service. Details and prices are provided by the equipment supplier and are subject to change without notice. The provision of this information does not constitute a recommendation. Responsibility for final selection of any item rests with the individual.


ILC Reference NO 62:12:003
Item sourced from ILC VIC database


Short Description
This custom made headpointer consists of a moulded thermoplastic helmet lined with foam, Velcro or leather straps and a lightweight 7mm tubular steel wand with a rubber typing tip extending from the helmet. The helmet is custom fitted to the head with a cut out section at the crown and around the ears for ventilation.

More Details
Accessories can be designed and made to order including pencil and paintbrush holders.

Service details
Clients can self refer to the Orthotic and Prosthetic Centre.
The head pointer is manufactured over 2 to 3 visits.
The helmet is generally cast during the first visit (approximately half an hour is required).
A fitting of approximately 10 minutes is required at the second visit.
The head pointer is finished off at the final visit or is posted out when completed.
Head pointers take approximately 2 to 3 weeks to manufacture.
Costs vary depending on individual requirements.

Factors to Consider
Use of a headpointer requires the user to control head and neck movement and to perform these movements repetitively to access eg a computer keyboard. Using muscles in the neck for prolonged periods for precision tasks like typing can result in fatigue and strain in the neck and sometimes also the upper body.
When using a headpointer it is important that the user is well supported in chair or wheelchair to reduce further strain on the body.
The device being accessed needs to be fixed in a position that allows the person to reach all keys or controls with minimal effort. The most frequently used keys or controls should be positioned where the user has greatest control.
The position of the device being accessed may interfere with line of vision if eg they drive a motorised wheelchair.
Sensitivity of the keyboard or controls may need to be adjusted for some users to reduce accidental activations.
A keyguard may assist some users to target keys more accurately.
The size of target keys or controls needs to be assessed for individual needs to ensure ease of access using the pointer.
The appearance of the headpointer can be of concern for some people.

Place of Manufacture
OPC (Victoria, Australia)

Refer to the supplier and manufacturer manual for maintenance instructions and safety warnings.

Some assistive technology needs to meet Australian or other standards. Standards may relate to materials, manufacturing and installation. Products that meet Australian or international standards will have written certification. To find out if a product meets Australian Standards ask the supplier to show you the certificate. For a fact sheet about standards contact us or visit

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing.

Supplier Information
Name:  Orthotic and Prosthetic Centre (OPC) Pty Ltd
Price:  POA
  151 - 159 Turner St
  Port Melbourne
  VIC  3207

Phone:   (03) 9681 9666
FAX:  (03) 9681 9088

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