Independent Living Centres Australia Inc
infoline: 1300 885 886

The Independent Living Centres Australia Inc does not sell this equipment, but provides this information as a community service. Details and prices are provided by the equipment supplier and are subject to change without notice. The provision of this information does not constitute a recommendation. Responsibility for final selection of any item rests with the individual.

Buyers Guide: Childrens Seating

ILC Reference NO 41:28:900
Item sourced from ILC VIC database

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Short Description
The child's postural strengths and needs must be considered when choosing the best seating system for a child.

More Details
Appearance - Choose a chair that is age appropriate and the child likes to sit in.
Position -The position of the head, trunk, pelvis and hips are very important. Lack of trunk stability leads to poor head control. The head requires a stable base for precise control. Separating the legs by using a pommel or abduction wedge can widen the sitting base and make it easier for those with limited trunk control. Each part of the body influences other parts, one aspect cannot be altered without influencing overall posture.
Posture - Aim for symmetrical weight bearing. This helps promote more normal tone distribution. Does the child need a headrest (removable), lateral chest supports, pelvic supports or knee blocks? Are the feet well supported?
Safety - If the child is likely to rock on the chair consider fixing the chair to a board or use a footplate that does not go to the floor. Anti tip bars can be used. There are various harnesses and straps to hold the child safely in the chair. Straps should be made of a strong, soft fabric that has no sharp edges, and avoid the neck area. 4 point pelvic harnesses hold the pelvis back in the chair and help avoid sacral sitting.
Strengthening - Does the chair need strengthening?
Supports - Does the child need extra lateral chest or pelvic supports or would armrests suffice? Swing away or fixed supports.
Size - Select a chair that fits the child's needs now and has enough adjustability to suit the needs in the future. Where is the child going to use the chair? Eg. under a table or in the open classroom. Corner chairs can be used for floor sitters.
Tray - Some have a tray for play or extra trunk stability.
Adjustability - To achieve best posture consider a multi adjustable chair that can be altered to suit the child's needs eg. Tilt in space and high / low. Is the mechanism easy to adjust?
General health of the child - Some children extend their neck to compensate for respiratory distress. Orthopaedic, respiratory neurological and digestive considerations must be considered before deciding on optimal seating options.
Accessories - Headrest. Consider straps.

Refer to the supplier and manufacturer manual for maintenance instructions and safety warnings.

Some assistive technology needs to meet Australian or other standards. Standards may relate to materials, manufacturing and installation. Products that meet Australian or international standards will have written certification. To find out if a product meets Australian Standards ask the supplier to show you the certificate. For a fact sheet about standards contact us or visit

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing.

Supplier Information
Name:  Disabled Equipment Solutions
Price:  POA
  1 Sinnott Street
  VIC  3125

Phone:   (03) 9808 5448
FAX:  (03) 9808 5219

Name:  DoAbility
Price:  POA
  53 Stubbs St
  VIC  3031

Postal Address:
  53 Stubbs St
  VIC  3031

Phone:   (03) 9376 4487
FAX:  (03) 9376 6071
  Hires paediatric and home healthcare equipment.
   Services cleans and repairs equipment.

Name:  FAS Therapeutic Equipment Pty Ltd
Price:  POA
  6 Bate Drive
  VIC  3195

Postal Address:
  PO Box 840
  VIC  3195

Phone:   (03) 9587 6766
FAX:  (03) 9587 6899
Toll Free:  1300 303 536
  Showroom operates 9:00 - 5:00 Monday - Friday.
   Equipment usually held in stock - minimal delivery period.
   Cost of delivery POA.

Name:  Mobility Plus Wheelchairs Pty Ltd
Price:  POA
  Unit 1 , 23 Bell St
  VIC  3072

Postal Address:
  PO Box 1598
  Preston South
  Vic  3072

Phone:   (03) 9495 1955
FAX:  (03) 9480 3177
Toll Free:  1300 011 000
  Opening Hours:
   9.00am - 5.00pm Monday  - Friday

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