Independent Living Centres Australia Inc
infoline: 1300 885 886

The Independent Living Centres Australia Inc does not sell this equipment, but provides this information as a community service. Details and prices are provided by the equipment supplier and are subject to change without notice. The provision of this information does not constitute a recommendation. Responsibility for final selection of any item rests with the individual.

Buyers Guide: Portable Toilets

ILC Reference NO 11:36:900
Item sourced from ILC VIC database

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Factors to Consider
Points To Consider When Selecting Portable Toilets:
Capacity. How much can the container take prior to being emptied.
Manual Handling. How heavy the container is at full capacity. Consider family carers as well as outside carers.
Length of time required. Recommended for short term use due to manual handling and odour concern and environmental considerations
Usage. Multiple users are not recommended as it requires increased emptying of the container.
Height of toilet. Portable toilets in general are lower then standard toilets. Consider using an over toilet frame or toilet surround frame to provide support.
Hand function. Can the user manage a pump as a flush mechanism.
Sanitising agent. Consider toxicity of chemicals required in relation to carers emptying the container.
Installation. Qualified installers including plumbers and suppliers are recommended.
Types. There are two main types of portable toilets, chemical and composting.

Chemical Toilets
Self contained toilet that includes a holding tank that contains chemically treated water.
When the toilet is flushed water combined with the correct concentration of chemicals then flows to replace the sewage.
The chemicals disinfect the waste and convert the waste into sludge.

Composting Toilets
A toilet system with a holding tank that converts human waste into organic compost.
Conversion make take 3 to 12 months to decompose depending upon the climate.
Reduces and can eliminate water usage.
Odour free
Chemical free
Portable and fixed units are available.

Short Description
Portable toilets are useful when the conventional toilet is inaccessible. They are commonly used in caravan and camping situations. They also might be used as a temporary measure in the case of major home modifications. They also can perform the same function as a commode chair but are particularly suitable for someone who would have difficulty cleaning a commode. Portable toilets are flushable and only require emptying periodically. Stands are available to fit some brands to raise the seat height and provide rails.

Supplier Information
Name:  Camping World
Price:  POA
  1523 Sydney Road
  VIC  3061

Phone:   (03) 9383 5144
FAX:  (03) 9383 4588

Name:  Environment Equipment Pty Ltd
Price:  POA
  Factory 41A
  Jarrah Drive
  VIC  3195

Postal Address:
  PO Box 988
  VIC  3195

Phone:   (03) 9587 2447
FAX:  (03) 9587 5622

Name:  John Davis Holdings Pty Ltd
Price:  POA
  217-231 Learmonth Road
  VIC  3355

Postal Address:
  217-231 Learmonth Road,
  Wendouree; 3355

Phone:   (03) 5339 3072
FAX:  (03) 5339 1703

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