Independent Living Centres Australia Inc
infoline: 1300 885 886

The Independent Living Centres Australia Inc does not sell this equipment, but provides this information as a community service. Details and prices are provided by the equipment supplier and are subject to change without notice. The provision of this information does not constitute a recommendation. Responsibility for final selection of any item rests with the individual.

Computer Loan Service - Tad/Gale

ILC Reference NO 91:86:043
Item sourced from ILC ACT database

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Short Description
A computer loan service open to people with a disability who have a reasonable chance of improving their quality of life by having a computer available. Clients are placed on a waiting list once they have applied. The service will supply the keyboard, box, monitor, mouse and printer. Clients may install a CD Rom and modem if required. The loan service will maintain the equipment.

Price Guide
Refer to supplier details for pricing.

More Details
. The loan service will only issue hardware and software that has been received through donations. It cannot meet the request for specialist software or hardware.

. The computers run Windows 95 and Staroffice which includes word processing, spreadsheet, database, drawing and presentation software. Some basic games are also supplied. A talking word processor and/or text enlargement program can be installed if this is specially requested.

. EASYMAIL, an email service supplied by Telstra can also be supplied. It can be used without subscribing to a Internet Service Provider.

. Once the computer is provided, the client can load whatever licensed software they have. They can keep the computer for as long as required.

.An upgraded computer can be requested after the first year of loan. Requests will be prioritised according to the client's need, and will be filled subject to availability.

. To apply, phone the loan service or apply through a referral agency such as the Royal Blind Society, the MS Society and Northcott.

Supplier Information
Name:  TAD/GALE Computer Loan Service
Price:  see below
Date:  10/08/2007
Details:  $60 per year for loan of mouse, keyboard, box and monitor.
$20 for the initial loan of a printer. The printer is then covered under the annual cost of $60 .

The computer is sent to the ACT by Australia Post. If available, a local volunteer will intall the computer - otherwise the client must arrange for installation.

Phone:   02 9808 2012

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