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Independent LivingVolume 21 No 2

  published in June 2005

Featured Articles

Cumulative Index

The five-year cumulative index is published in this issue.

Emergency Call Systems

Telephone based emergency call systems enable people to remain in their own home with the assurance that assistance is at hand. They can also be used in residential care facilities.

Raising the Bar

(Lift & Recline Chairs)
Electrically powered lift and recline chairs are popular and can be bought in most furniture stores, but these stores do not stock chairs for people whose health care needs dictate additional features.

Lift and recline chairs in the mainstream market are generally suitable for people who have shortness of breath, fatigue, minor back pain, and mild to moderate joint pain. However, people who are overweight, experiencing oedema, having difficulty with transfers, and/or spending long periods of time in the chair may require additional features. These are provided by specialised seating companies.

Nine to Five

(Returning to a Screen-based Job)
Call centre operators in particular are at high risk for muscular injuries from screen based jobs. Returning to work after injury requires an assessment of duties and workplace equipment.

Over the past decade call centres have proliferated, creating new, predominantly screen-based jobs. Sitting hundreds of workers at terminals ˇV headsets on, eyes fixed on monitors, fingers tapping at keyboards ˇV can also create an environment where there is a high risk for muscular injuries. These jobs also have a high sedentary component.

In Focus

(Shape of Things to Come)
The Syton mobility aid is a revolutionary new mobility device specifically designed for young boys who suffer from Duchenneˇ¦s muscular dystrophy (DMD). The aim of this design is to provide mobility assistance while having looks that appeal to boys as well. Thomas Marmincˇ¦s design was a Bronze Winner in 2005 Australian Design Awards in the Dyson Student Award category.